\(l_bd=\alpha_1 \cdot \alpha_2 \cdot \alpha_3 \cdot \alpha_4 \cdot \alpha_5 \cdot l_{b,reqrd} > l_{b,min}\)
begrijp ik niet zo goed.- coefficient to take account of the influencing factor: confinement by transverse
pressure to the plane of splitting along the anchorage length;
- for all types of anchorages (straight and non-straight):
- in compression : α5 = 1,0;
- in tension: α5 = 1 - 0,04.p with the conditions α5 ≥ 0,7 and α5 ≤ 1,0 ; p is the
value of the transverse pressure (in MPa) at ULS along lbd.
Kan iemand daar een kort stukje toelichting bij geven?