Re: Einde olietijdperk, begin van de ellende?
Geplaatst: za 01 nov 2008, 18:11
Helly,Dit is een man met een agenda en een Greenpeace verleden. Deze man zei doodleuk tijdens een klimaatdiscussie dat er misschien leugens worden verspreid in de klimaathype, maar als dat energiebesparing oplevert was hem dat om het even. Misschien is dit laatste best wel te begrijpen, maar kom dan niet aan met allerlei illusies over windmolens die ons van genoeg energie kunnen voorzien. Ik heb zijn boek niet gelezen overigens.
Als-ie zei dat er misschien leugens verteld worden, is dat niet perse 'doodleuk'. Er zijn nl. (echte ?) wetenschappers die na bestudering van data en grafieken inderdaad tot een andere conclusie komen. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat sommigen, m.n. politici, de klimaatverandering gebruiken als dekmantel voor een veel erger probleem. Dat boek is niet van Samson, maar Samson heeft een reactie gegeven op het boek van Roy op het Veld 'de strijd om energie' (de moeite waard om te lezen, 'Ontluisterend om te lezen'. Jan Terlouw, fysicus, schijft erover: 'Een zeer leesbaar en waar boek').
Onderstaand uittreksel hoort thuis bij het onderwerp over klimaat, maar ik vermeld het hier, omdat er toch al veel wordt geschreven wat niet direct met het olieprobleem heeft te maken. Dat ik het vermeld betekent niet dat het mijn mening is; sommige kritiek op 'An inconvenient truth' gaat erg kort door de bocht. Wellicht ligt de waarheid, zoals bij veel dingen, ergens tussen de twee uitersten. Dat zou in dit geval betekenen dat de huidige opwarming van de aarde slechts gedeeltelijk wordt veroorzaakt door de mens. Interessant is de vermelding in de laatste alinea.
Climate Change Science ( from: FRIENDS OF SCIENCE: Providing insight into climate science)
Executive summary (from 46 pages):
The science of climate change is complex. Unfortunately, politics and the media has affected the science.
Climate research institutions know that they must present scary climate forecasts to receive continued funding-
no crisis means no funding (or it is a way to try to postpone and cushion another crisis, diverting from the real problem
and so avoiding much more panic (mijn gedachte)).
Scientific research that suggests climate change is mostly natural does not receive much if any media coverage.
The science in summary (summary from summary)
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a political organisation promoting a theory
that recent minor temperature increases may be caused largely by man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
CO2 is an infrared gas, and increasing concentrations can potentially increase the average global temperature as the
gas absorbs radiation from the Earth and emits the absorbed energy at longer wavelenghts. However, the warming ability
of CO2 is limited because much of the absorption spectrum is near or fully saturated.When CO2 concentrations were
ten times greater than today the Earth was in the grip of one of the coldest ice ages.
The history of climate and CO2 concentrations shows that temperature changes precede CO2 changes and cannot
be a significant driver of climate. Temperature changes over different time scales have been well correlated to
solar cycles, cosmic ray flux and cloud cover. When the Sun is more active, the solar wind repels the cosmic
rays, reducing low cloud cover allowing the Sun to warm the planet.
Any increase in temperatures due to human caused CO2 emissions will likely be beneficial to human health.
The CO2 fertilization effect will increase the rate of forest growth and CO2 induced crop yield increases will reduce
the pressure to cut down forests for farmland expansion.
Greenhouse Gas Effect
Water vapour and clouds account for over 70% of the total current greenhouse effect.
The temperature effect of increasing CO2 concentration is approximately logarithmic. This means if doubling the
CO2 concentration from 300 ppm to 600 ppm causes the temperature to rise by 1 degree Celcius, a further
doubling can be expected to add only 0,5 Celsius temperature gain.
Climate Is Always Changing
text and graphs
CO2 - Temperature Correlation
The actual climate history shows no such correlation.
CO2 Changes Do Not Lead Temperature Changes.
text + graphs
Sun Activity Does Correlate With Temperature
text + graphs
Sun And Cosmic Rays
text +graphs
Kyoto Protocol - Misallocation of Funds
Computer model projections show that full implementation of the Kyoto Protocol may result in temperature reduction of
an undetectable 0,06 degree Celsius by 2050 at a cost of about $ US. (This estimate assumes the sun has
no effect on climate. Since the sun has a major effect, the 0,06 Celsius estimate is likely high by a factor 2 or more.)
An Inconvenient Truth
Some of the problems with the AIT are:
Implies that during the past 650.000 years, changes in CO2 levels largely caused changes in global temperature,
whereas the causality mostly runs the other way, with CO2 changes trailing global temperature changes by hundreds
to thousands of years. Never mentions that global temperatures were warmer than the present during each of the
past four interglacial periods, even though CO2 levels were lower.
NASA scients Zwally and colleages found a combined Greenland/Antarctica ice loss sea level rise equivalent to 0,05 mm
per year during 1992-2002.
Assumes a linear relationship between CO2 levels and global temperature.
Claims that the rate of global warming is accelerating, whereas the rate has been constant for the past 30 years to
2002 - roughly 0,17 Celsius per decade, and no warming from 2002 through 2006.
Claims that Lake Chad is drying up due to global warming.
It has actually been dry multiple times in the past. The lake has shrunk in size to a rapidly expanding population drawing
water from the lake, the introduction of irrigation technologies and local overgrazing.
Never explains why anyone should be alarmed about the current Arctic warming, considering that our stone-age
ancestors survived- and likely benefited from - the much stronger and longer Arctic warming.
Claims that global warming endangers polar bears though polar bear population are increasing in Arctic
areas where it is warming and declining in Arctic areas where it is cooling.
Blames global warming for the resurgence of malaria in Kenya, even though several studies have found no climate
link and atttribute the problem to decreased spraying of homes with DDT and anti-malarial drug resistance.
Cites Tuvalu as a place where rising sea levels force residents to evacuate their homes. In reality, sea levels at Tuvalu
fell during the latter half of the 20th century and even during the 1990s.
Ignores the large role of natural variability in Arctic climate, never mentioning either that Arctic temperatures during the
1930s equalled or exceeded those of the late 20th century, or that the Arctic during the early- to mid-Holocene was
significantly warmer than it is today.
Neglects to mention that NASA satellites show an Antarctic cooling trend of 0,11 Celsius per decade since 1978.
Calls CO2 the "most important greenhouse gas."
Claimed that ice cap on Mt Kilimanjaro is disappearing due to global warming, though satellite measurement show
no temperature change at the summit.
More examples.
This is only a partial list of errors, omissions and exaggerations.
Warnings of Global Cooling
Several authorities are now warning of global cooling because the sun is expected to soon enter a quiet period.
A Russian Academy of Science report in August 2006 warns that global cooling could develop on Earth in 50 years
and have serious consequences.