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Re: Hoogbegaafde mensen

Geplaatst: wo 02 sep 2009, 23:42
door Dido
Een artikel (review) die ook de link rechts ~ BIS en links ~ BAS aanhaalt:
The publications reviewed here were collected to better appreciate the cortical lateralization of emotional perception (visual and auditory), expression (facial and prosodic), and experience. Four major models of emotional processing are discussed—the Right Hemisphere, Valence, Approach- Withdrawal, and Behavioral Inhibition System–Behavioral Activation Systemmodels.Observing the relativemerits and limitations of these models, a new direction for exploration is offered. Specifically, to better appreciate the strength and direction (i.e., approach versus withdrawal) of experienced emotions, it is recommended that state “dominance” be evaluated in the context of asymmetrical activation of left-frontal (dominance) versus right-frontal (submission) brain regions.
Met daarbij natuurlijk de oproep tot verder onderzoek...
At the end of this review article, a direction for future research is provided. To better appreciate the strength and direction of discrete emotional states, it is suggested that the lateralization of emotional “dominance” be explored with the hypothesis that relative left- and right-frontal activation would be associated with feelings of dominance and submission, respectively.
uit: Brain Lateralization of Emotional Processing: Historical Roots and a Future Incorporating “Dominance”

Ik zie net dat je reeds een berichtje postte. Ik post deze toch nog even, al overlapt die dus een beetje met m'n vorige post. :eusa_whistle:
