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Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: di 10 jun 2008, 11:06
door Klintersaas
Retired worker gets catfish named for him
Frank Gallagher spent 37 years in the mailroom at natural science museum
Frank Gallagher spent 37 years as mailroom supervisor at a natural science museum so long that he used to wisecrack that he should be part of the collection. Now he is.
Rhinodoras gallagheri is a new species of catfish named by fish scientist Mark Sabaj Perez at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia.
Lees meer ... MSNBC
Lees meer ... Physics.org en
Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: di 17 jun 2008, 13:49
door Klintersaas
Old bones could be new dinosaur species
Fragments resemble those from a small, two-legged plant-eater
A prospecting geologist stumbled upon a ragtag bunch of bones in the northern part of British Columbia, more than three decades ago. A new study suggests these fossils could represent a new species of dinosaur.
But beyond that, the dinosaur's identity is a mystery sort of a Dino Doe.
The small collection of bones includes seven shin, arm and toe bones, as well as a possible skull fragment. Based on the shapes and sizes of the bones, paleontologists think they could have belonged to a type of small- to medium-sized dinosaur, possibly a pachycephalosaur or ornithopod.
Lees meer ... MSNBC
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Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: di 15 jul 2008, 15:03
door Klintersaas
Mysterious insect baffles experts
Experts have been baffled by the presence of an unidentified insect in parts of London.
The tiny red and black bug first appeared in the Natural History Museum's Wildlife Garden in March 2007.
Since then it has become the most common insect in the garden and has also been spotted in Regent's Park and Gray's Inn.
Lees meer ... BBC News
Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: ma 04 aug 2008, 19:14
door Wien Ee
De kleinste slang ter wereld is nieuw voor de wetenschap. Het beestje leeft op het eiland Barbados, is tien centimeter lang en legt per keer maar één extreem langwerpig ei.
Lees meer ... Noorderlicht
Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: do 14 aug 2008, 17:41
door Klintersaas
New Bacterial Species Found In Human Mouth
Scientists have discovered a new species of bacteria in the mouth. The finding could help scientists to understand tooth decay and gum disease and may lead to better treatments, according to research published in the August issue of the
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology.
Lees meer ... ScienceDaily
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Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: do 21 aug 2008, 21:30
door Klintersaas
Man-sized grouper declared new species
Goliath grouper can grow to six feet and weigh 1,000 pounds
A man-sized grouper that trolls the tropical waters of the Eastern Pacific Ocean for octopuses and crabs has been identified as a new fish species after genetic tests.
Called the goliath grouper, the fish can grow to six feet (1.8 meters) in length and weigh a whopping 1,000 pounds (454 kg). Until now, scientists had grouped this species with an identical looking fish (also called the goliath grouper, or Epinephelus itajara) living in the Atlantic Ocean.
Lees meer ... MSNBC
Lees meer ... Physics.org
Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: za 23 aug 2008, 16:22
door Klintersaas
eBay insect fossil is new species
A scientist who bought a fossilised insect on the web auction site eBay for £20 has discovered that it belongs to a previously unknown species of aphid.
Lees meer ... BBC News
Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: di 02 sep 2008, 08:44
door Klintersaas
Nieuwe reuzenoester
Een nieuw ontdekte reuzenoester in de Rode Zee kwam 125 duizend jaar geleden al op het menu van de mens terecht. Vanaf dat moment ging het bergafwaarts met dit ruim dertig centimeter grote schelpdier.
Lees meer ... Noorderlicht
Lees meer ... BBC News
Lees meer ... EurekAlert
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Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: wo 17 sep 2008, 14:18
door Klintersaas
Scientists discover 120 million year-old ant
German biologists have discovered a new species of ant they believe is the oldest on the planet, dating back around 120 million years.
Lees meer ... Reuters
Lees meer ... LiveScience
Lees meer ... Nu.nl
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Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: wo 24 sep 2008, 13:29
door Klintersaas
Small and dainty dinosaur dined on termites
Newly-described dino considered smallest to have existed in North America
Even in the dinosaur world, the small and dainty existed, in the form of a mini-dino that likely didn't terrorize any creatures other than termites.
The newly described dinosaur, called Albertonykus borealis, was about the size of a chicken and is now considered the smallest dinosaur to have existed in North America.
Lees meer ... MSNBC
Lees meer ... Physics.org
Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: zo 12 okt 2008, 09:56
door Wien Ee
274 soorten vis, weekdieren, kreeftachtigen en sponzen ontdekt, die eerder onbekend waren, in het ijzige water op 3000 meter diepte nabij de kust van het Australische eiland Tasmanië.
Lees meer ... Noorderlicht
Lees meer ... CSIRO
Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: ma 15 dec 2008, 19:31
door Wien Ee
Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: ma 05 jan 2009, 19:01
door Wien Ee
17 previously unknown species of reptiles and amphibians have been discovered in the rainforests of eastern Tanzania.
Conducting surveys of the virtually unexplored forests of the South Nguru Mountains between 2004 and 2006, Michele Menegon of the Natural Science Museum of Trento in Italy and colleagues recorded 92 species of herps, of which 17 had never before been documented. The new species which include chameleons, tree frogs, and snakes, among others are believed to be endemic to the region.
Lees meer ... Mongabay
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Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: di 06 jan 2009, 18:54
door Klintersaas
Roze oerleguaan
Nieuwe soort benoemd
Op een vulkaan op de Galapagoseilanden leven roze leguanen die pas twintig jaar geleden ontdekt zijn. Uit genetisch onderzoek blijkt nu dat het beest een unieke soort is, waarvan er waarschijnlijk nog minder dan honderd bestaan.
Lees meer ... Noorderlicht
Lees meer ... MSNBC
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Re: Nieuwsberichten over de ontdekking van nieuwe soorten
Geplaatst: do 08 jan 2009, 15:03
door ScienceDaily-feed
Researchers have produced the first link between a species of bacteria most commonly found in sheep and human illness.
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