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Inflation of a Schwarzschild space and the fractal universe

Geplaatst: do 27 jul 2006, 22:40
door Woutertje
Inflation of a Schwarzschild space and the fractal universe

W. Vanhoutte


In this paper we propose a model of the universe that explains the big cosmologic problems of this time. We explain the nature of the big bang, the dark matter and dark energy problem and the old QSO (quasi stellar objects) discussion. Without attacking the laws of Newton and Einstein and with respect to the observations and strong equal too the inflation cosmology, we will tell you a story of the evolution of our space.

The story

We use a Schwarzschild space as our space. This space has no middle and no borders. But it has a radius. It is like the surface of a ball, but the surface becomes a 3D space in all directions. On the surface of a ball you will be on the same place after travelling 2πr. When the circumference of the ball grows at a light second per second, you will never be capable too travel around that ball fully.

In the Schwarzschild space the space diameter grows minimal two light seconds per second.

We can never see the light of the same star from opposite directions.

The Schwarzschild space has the property of the Schwarzschild radius, R=2MG/c2. The matter M is homogeneous spread in the Schwarzschild space whit radius R. We begin on time zero t0 of these Schwarzschild space. Time zero means that nothing has happened so far, the matter is just homogeneous in that space and nothing more. There is no information exchange before t0 between the mass particles in that space.

After t0 the mass particles begin to spread there influence in the Schwarzschild space. Every mass particle curves the space around itself. After t0 this space curve will spread in the Schwarzschild space at the speed of light.

When will every particle in this space feel the curve of all the other particles? When this space doesn’t expand would this event be on t = 2r/c. But this is not what happens. The spread of the particle space curves accelerate the particles itself. When that space doesn’t expand, and when the particles don’t bump each other, the speed of the particles will be the speed of light on t = 2r/c .

How the Schwarzschild space expands?

The particles accelerate by the spread of the particle curves. In the beginning this acceleration is very fast, because the space is not big in the beginning and the speed of light is very fast. Fast particles bump and make new particles. After a certain time we analyse a particle and see his energy and conditions are the same then a particle at t0. Our analysing laboratory is in the Schwarzschild space whit no speed. The conditions of the particles we have analysed are the same (temperature, pressure). The particles in our laboratory whit the conditions of no speed, same temperature and same pressure we will call the gauge particles. The observer in the Schwarzschild space says: “At every moment there can be more gauge particles in this space then the moment before.” Our observer outside our Schwarzschild space who can observe what happens inside our Schwarzschild space on a mysterious way says: “I see the particles accelerating by transforming potential energy in kinetic energy. Then I see these particles bumping, and new particles are formed out of the kinetic energy. When that space is more curved, the gauge particles need less energy to exist.”

This is the same on earth, a gauche particle at sea level need less energy then a gauche particle at the top of the Mount Everest.

The outside observer says more: “I saw a ruler made of gauche particles, that ruler was shrinking in function of the spread of the particle curves. So I understand that for the inside observer his space was growing. For me that object/space stays the same, the same amount of mass in the same radius”. (Of course an observer can never look in a black hole)

That system creates particles in the Schwarzschild space and lets that space expand on a speed that we call inflation. The amount of gauche particles is proportional whit the radius of that space (R=2MG/c2). The gauche particles density of that space will go down whit the time. That makes the temperature fall and the CMB will be created. The first star starts to shine and the first black hole follow. Clusters of stars, galaxies and galaxy clusters are formed. But the curving of the particles t0 is still spreading in our space. This t0 spreading is still accelerating the mass in our space and makes our space grow.

Now it is galaxy clusters that accelerate. There are new moments of particle creation when these clusters collide. The galaxies in the centre of the colliding clusters have a bigger chance to find a colliding partner in order to lose kinetic energy and creating particles. This bigger chance is just a result of the fact that there are more galaxies in the centre of the galaxy clusters. The galaxies that can’t find a partner transforms the kinetic energy that they have from the old galaxy cluster speed in a bigger self speed.

Very important too understand the physics of this system; because here we see why we always thought we need lots of dark matter.

We will explain this with the sun and the earth. The earth rotates around the sun, as we understand by the laws of gravity. Now we bring in the curve space of the sun, an extra curve© that is the same everywhere. The origin of this extra curve is just the continuation of the spreading of the curves from t0.

Original: curve sun: f®

New: curve sun: f® + C

The only reaction that the earth should make is rotating faster. This is because the speed of the earth on that radius is justified by the total curve on that radius. Only in models whit point masses has the radius a meaning. Otherwise the total curve of space is just responsible for the speed of the object, and the shape of the space curve is just responsible for the orbit. Both are independent from each other. The speed causes by the curves of t0 can lose by collision. Objects will no longer feel the curve of t0, because the gauche particles lose energy. Therefore on the same orbit several speeds can exist. After losing the kinetic energy the sun-earth radius is bigger for an observer on earth.

When a galaxy finds a colliding partner, we see the same thing happening as colliding galaxy clusters. A star in the middle has more chance of losing his kinetic energy. The stars in the border of the galaxy transfer the old galaxy speed in a new faster own speed. Very important in galaxy colliding is the bumping of gas clouds.

QSO are created when colliding objects lose quasi all there kinetic energy. We find QSO always in the neighbourhood of colliding systems.


We conclude that the spread off the curves t0 makes that the curves t0 can never spread the whole space. This is because these curves are responsible for the growing of the universe. Every gauche particle can transform in more gauche particles. The whole process of growing of the universe is clear present in the observations. This model gives a reasonable explanation of inflation and the hot big bang. And we have proposed that the conditions of a new space are these of a black hole.

Re: Inflation of a Schwarzschild space and the fractal universe

Geplaatst: ma 31 jul 2006, 21:10
door Woutertje