Had Le Sage (1750) dan toch gelijk?
The theory proposed a mechanical explanation for Newton's gravitational force in terms of streams of tiny unseen particles (which Le Sage called ultra-mundane corpuscles) impacting all material objects from all directions. According to this model, any two material bodies partially shield each other from the impinging corpuscles, resulting in a net imbalance in the pressure exerted by the impact of corpuscles on the bodies, tending to drive the bodies together
Tiny unseen particles = Neutrino's
We weten dat neutrino's van overal uit het universum komen, uit sterren en planeten. Per seconde vliegen miljarden neutrino's door ons lichaam heen. We weten ook dat massa neutrino's kunnen tegenhouden. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat ongeveer de helft van de neutrino's uitgestraald door de zon aan de donkere zijde van de Aarde worden ontvangen. Neutrino's hebben een massa, ook al dachten ze lang van niet.
Hoe komt het dan dat planeten elkaar aantrekken? Door de 'onderdruk' die ontstaat tussen de 2 planeten:
Zwaartekracht is dus géén kracht tussen 2 massa's volgens Le Sage.
Deze stelling wordt bevestigd in het labo: licht kan zwaartekracht (of neutrino's) tegenhouden.
In the original experiment, a very sensitive torsion pendulum about 23 cm long
was built suspended by 2 fine 1 mm wires in diameter. A space of 1 mm is between
the 2 wires. This gives a high sensitivity and most of the restoring force is done not by
the torsion of the wires because there is almost no torsion but by the weight of the
pendulum itself that tends to go to its lowest level after moving left or right.
At first, a 1 kg mass was placed close to the 100 g mass at one end of the
pendulum arm. The mobile mass moved towards the 1 kg by gravity. Once the system
was in equilibrium and the 2 masses were almost touching, a fine laser beam was
passed between them. The light was not a point light but like a sheet of paper at an
angle of 30° .
If light can block gravity, then the attraction between the 2 masses would
decrease and the mobile mass would move away a little. But the opposite always
happened: the mobile mass was getting closer as if the attraction was increased.
Since that made no sense, the experiment was redone many times, checking if other
factors were causing that movement.
- Ascending heated air movement. A sensitive arrays of silk threads could not detect
any air movement.
- Brownian movement of air with decreasing temperature. There was no increase of
temperature and the effect started when light was on and stop as soon as light was
cut off.
- Laser light might have ionized air molecules causing the masses to move closer.
Red light of that frequency cannot ionized air molecules.
- Coriolis force could cause them to move closer. Test during different time of the day
and for 9 months demonstrate that was not the cause.
- External electromagnetic fields (e.g. from the laser module) affecting the two
masses. The metal masses were replaced by non conductive rocks. The effect was
the same as with metal masses.
If gravitational forces are blocked by light and if those forces are coming from
all directions, it could be possible to verify that by removing the 1 kg mass and using
only light.
Once the pendulum was at rest, the laser light was sent on the North side of the
mobile mass. It moves towards the North. After many minutes, the light was
transferred to the South side. The mobile mass moved towards the South also.
That was a final proof that light can block gravity. It also demonstrate that
gravitational force is a pushing force, not an attractive force.
Als 2 loden bollen elkaar in het labo aantrekken, wil dit zeker niet zeggen dat massa's elkaar aantrekken.
Zwaartekracht is in die zin een illusie. De ontdekking van neutrino's is één van de grootste van de eeuw als je het mij vraagt
Als je de theorie begrijpt is het ineens heel logisch waarom het universum expandeert...
Is zwaartekracht dan toch een duwkracht die van alle kanten komt? (behalve voor buitenste sterren natuurlijk)
Het zal een bittere pil zijn voor de wetenschap om dit te slikken. Maar ze moet toch ooit eens vooruit.