Hallo allenmaal,
is het moeilijk zout te scheiden tussen kalium en natrium ?
Dus dat je pure natrium overhoud ?
Moderator: ArcherBarry
Solution mining is used when the ore body is too deep for economical mining by conventional methods. The world's first solution mine is near Regina (Saskatchewan, Canada) where the ore was approximately 1500 m deep. The process consists of drilling into the ore body by injecting water and recycled spent water steams to dissolve the salts. The resultant brine is pumped to the surface and treated in evaporators to recover the NaCl and increase the KCl concentration to the saturation point. The saturated brine is then treated by a crystallization process to recover the K (Eatock, 1985). Potassium chloride and other salts are also produced from naturally occurring brines from the Dead Sea in Israel and Jordan, from the Great Salt Lake in USA, and from the Salar de Atacama in Chile (Garret, 1996). At the Dead Sea, the process consists in charging evaporation pans with brine from the sea. Natural evaporation concentrates the solution and most of the NaCl is precipitated. The concentrated brine is then pumped into a second series of open pans, where carnallite settles naturally to the bottom. Special harvesters dredge the ponds and pump the carnallite directly to the refineries, where flotation and crystallization methods are used to recover the potash (Garret, 1996).
hmm, dat gehalte kaliumjodide is heel laag, percentage staat niet eens op de bus:Maar Jozo Bewust bestaat uit natriumchloride (NaCl) en kaliumjodide (KI), zoals ook in bericht #6 aangegeven.
bijna 70% KCl dus.Ingrediënten; Kaliumzout (KCL) 68,8%, Zout (NaCL) 29,9%, Antiklontermiddel (E504, E535), Kaliumjodide