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Lid geworden op: za 28 nov 2015, 10:42

Nieuwe energievorm

Baba Vanga (blinde helderziende), de Nostradamus van de Balkan, voorspelt voor 2018 de ontdekking van een nieuwe energievorm op Venus.
Enig idee?
Jan van de Velde
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Lid geworden op: di 11 okt 2005, 20:46

Re: Nieuwe energievorm

Opmerking moderator
Show me the sources
Interestingly, there is a list of Vanga's predictions that has been circulating via email for at least a decade that seems to include most of the prophecies cited by the tabloids in recent years. The list itself provides no original quotes or texts from Vanga herself. Because she was blind and only semi-literate, her staff is said to have written down her thoughts and predictions of the future. While those texts may exist somewhere, I was unable to find them or any references to them and none of the coverage of recent years ever cites them.
So about her prediction that we'll find a new energy source on Venus in the next 12 months? Ten years ago, the email list of her predictions that was being forwarded around claimed Vanga had made the following predictions for 2028:
"2028 – Creating a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. Launched a manned spacecraft to Venus."
It almost seems as though her "predictions" for 2028 got compressed and shifted back a decade over the course of a game of telephone played via many many generations of email forwards.
So the Baba Vanga phenomenon circa 2018 centers around practically unsourced lists of predictions from a woman who died two decades ago and is fueled by the rather obvious confirmation bias of those who want to believe we don't necessarily have to go careening blindly into the future.
Kortom, hoogstwaarschijnlijk stierenpoep als nieuwe energievorm op Venus. En dus geen discussie in ons natuurkundeforum waardig. Topic gesloten.
help ons dan eiwitten vouwen, en help mee ziekten als kanker en zo te bestrijden in de vrije tijd van je chip...

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