Blijkbaar zijn er mensen die hier over na hebben gedacht: ... raphy.html
In short, the maximum height that a mountain can reach is difficult to calculate, but many scholars have hypothesised that the maximum height that a mountain on Earth could reach is 15,000 meters above sea level. However, it would take millions and millions of years to reach this, and we won't be lucky enough to admire such a spectacle.
" ... -can-reach
So in a perfect world, a mountain can be 8 or 9 miles high —- but in the real world, about 5 1/2 miles is the limit.
In general, the maximum size of a mountain on a planet will be limited by surface gravity. The greater the surface gravity, the smaller the biggest mountain can be. On earth, it works out that Everest is probably pretty close to this limit.
En zelfs NASA heeft hier over nagedacht: