Wat mag ik verstaan onder een unieke bezoeker?
Ik heb het verkeerd geformuleerd (zal het aanpassen, maar de quote van jou laten staan).
De juiste term, in plaats van bezoekers, zou bezoeke
n (oftewel visits) moeten zijn. Hieronder een aantal definities. De statistieken komen van Google Analytics, dit is de laatste (vet gedrukte) in het rijtje: (
Visit = Session = a defined quantity of visitor interaction with a website. The definition will vary depending on how Visitors are tracked. Some common visitor tracking methods and corresponding Session definitions:
- IP-based Visitor Tracking
A Session is a series of hits from one visitor (as defined by the visitor's IP address) wherein no two hits are separated by more than 30 minutes. If there is a gap of 30 minutes or more from this visitor, an additional Session is counted.
- IP+User Agent Visitor Tracking
A Session is a series of hits from one visitor (as defined by the visitor's IP address and user-agent, such as Netscape 4.72) wherein no two hits are separated by more than 30 minutes. If there is a gap of 30 minutes or more from this visitor, an additional Session is counted.
- Unique Visitor Tracking (cookie-based, such as Google Analytics' UTM)
A Session is a period of interaction between a visitor's browser and a particular website, ending upon the closure of the browser window or shut down of the browser program.
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