(ben zelfde als deze persoon) Ook zag ik toen dat ompoling al meerdere keren waren gebeurd, waarom zou het deze keer zo veel erger moeten zijn als alle andere vorige keren?Moeten we ons meer zorgen maken over de opwarming van de aarde of het ompolen ervan?
Ik kan één reden verzinnen: Onze maatschappij is nogal wat complexer en technologischer dan toen. Een vuistbijl heeft er niet zoveel last van :(ben zelfde als deze persoon) Ook zag ik toen dat ompolingen al meerdere keren waren gebeurd, waarom zou het deze keer zo veel erger moeten zijn als alle andere vorige keren?
Impacts of solar and auroral storms on power line systems
Wolfgang-M. Boerner1, 4, James B. Cole1, William R. Goddard2, Michael Z. Tarnawecky2, Lotfallah Shafai2 and Donald H. Hall3
Abstract Geoelectromagnetic activity gives rise to electric potential differences between different points on the Earth's surface (Earth surface potentials) which cause extraneous quasi DC currents to enter electric power transmission systems through their grounding points. These geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) which may exceed 100 A can cause half-cycle saturation of magnetic devices such as power and current transformers, seriously shortening their operational life-times, and GICs can also cause misoperation of protective devices such as relays and circuit breakers, thus resulting in systems shutdown. Similar systems deteriorating effects are also observed on long metallic grounded pipe lines particularly if extending into subauroral and auroral regions. It has also been observed that due to transformer core saturation power line harmonics radiation (PLHR) is created which increases during periods of increased geoelectromagnetic activity. This VLF radiation may cause electromagnetic systems interference (ESI) with neighbouring or earth-satellite communications links, and it may also interact with the magnetosphere and affect chorus activity and electron slot precipitation. The after-effects of these magnetospheric activities may subsequently propagate from the ionosphere through the mesosphere and modulate weather, particularly thunderstorm activity which then may lead to a closed cycle of disturbing events affecting both natural and man-made systems.
Paper presented at the Fifth International Wrocaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Wrocaw (Poland), 1719 September, 1980.
Ik vond een video mbt dit onderwerp.Ompoling van het aardmagnetisch veld is veel vaker voorgekomen. Het is af te lezen in de aardkost...