Methaanbacterie krijgt het zuur
A. fumarolicum gedijt bij pH 1
Uit een modderpoel op de hellingen van de Vesuvius heeft de Nijmeegse microbioloog Arjan Pol een methaanetende bacterie opgevist die zich het lekkerst voelt bij 50 tot 70 graden Celsius en een pH van 1 of minder. Kortom, in een medium dat gaten in je labjas brandt en trouwens ook in de huid daaronder.
Acidimethylosilex fumarolicum, behorend tot de familie van de
Verrucomicrobia, wordt deze week gepresenteerd op de website van
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Dinosaur found with vacuum-cleaner mouth
110 million-year-old plant eater discovered in Sahara Desert
WASHINGTON - Perhaps it was one of those eureka moments, when the scientists realized they had discovered a new dinosaur with mouth parts designed to vacuum up food.
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Big waddling dinosaur discovered
Creature belongs to a group characterized by long necks and small heads
A strange, long-necked waddling dinosaur with massive arms and probably enormous claws has been discovered.
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New duck-billed dinosaur discovered
Fossil found in Utah helping scientists recreate ancient North America
A toothy, big-boned dinosaur uncovered in Utah is helping scientists recreate what ancient North America looked like 75 million years ago.
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Massive dinosaur bird discovered in China
Creature's tall stature, up to 16 feet, surprises scientists
A gigantic bird-like dinosaur weighing as much as a car towered over its relatives about 70 million years ago, a new finding suggests.
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