In de wetenschap geloofde men jarenlang dat er enorm veel rudimentaire organen in een mens aanwezig zouden zijn. Heden ten dage is dit aantal bijna/helemaal gereduceerd tot nihil. Dat is 1 van de vele voorbeelden. Mag je het geen geloof noemen, dan noem ik het ontzettend kortzichtig en blind en niet wetenschapswaardig.
het zou leuk zijn als je een
bron bij je stelling zou vermelden, dat discussieert wat makkelijker.
Understanding the Functional Relevance of the Once Thought Vestigial Organs
by: Giovanni J.R.C.
Initially, there was believed to have been at least 180 rudimentary or vestigial organs in the human body. However, this count has dwindled to approximately 14 structures. These structures are as follows: the adenoids, the APPENDIX, body hair, the COCCYX, the ear muscles, the little toe, the nictitating membrane of the eye, the nipples on males, the nodes on the ears, the parathyroid, the pineal gland, the thymus, the TONSILS, and lastly, the wisdom teeth. These organs, and perhaps others, are believed to be useless and thus are seen as remnants of once important structures in the body. Furthermore, some even claim that someday, these rudiments will just become phased out from the human anatomy altogether. This thought, however, is countered by the fact that some relatively larger animals that are evolutionary linked to the hominid species do not have such vestigial organs at all and yet are perceived to be less developed (evolutionarily speaking) than the presently remaining representative of the order hominidae. Furthermore, some smaller animals that are also believed to be related to the above larger mammals do carry most if not all the said vestigial organs. Thus, upon reviewing this idea, there is therefore no logical pattern in the supposed eventual disappearance of these structures in more advanced organisms.