of ecstasy can result in deleterious side effects, addiction/dependency, and death. Common adverse effects of the drug include sweating, rapid and irregular heartbeats, fatigue, muscle aches, involuntary muscle contraction such as jaw-clenching, and insomnia. Social ills may result such as work absenteeism, difficulty concentrating, legal woes, and antisocial behavior. Furthermore, the use of ecstasy often leads to the use of other dangerous illegal drugs. More concerning effects of the drug include: serious or even fatal heart conditions, dangerously high blood pressure, bleeding problems, severe dehydration and hyperthermia (elevated body temperature), acute failure of the kidney, liver, cardiac and nervous systems, electrolyte problems, coma, and potentially fatal break down of muscles (rhabdomyolysis).
Most deaths are caused dehydration and hyperthermia, due to a direct toxic effect of the drug, which is worsened by strenuous physical activity like dancing. Unlike the other potential causes of death, dehydration is well known among most ecstasy users. Alcohol can worsen this. Most users know to avoid alcohol and drink lots of water during the hours of partying. Thus, the bottle of trendy spring water may be likened to a sequined studded scarlet letter, which to those "in the know", herald the bearer of the bottle as one who may be dabbling in the designer drug. Water consumption can prevent dehydration and help to regulate the body temperature similar to the treatment for heat stroke or heat exhaustion. However, excessive water intake following the use of ecstasy has also been reported to cause death due to brain swelling and critically low sodium levels. When the body looses fluid through profuse sweating, vomiting and diarrhea (which are all common side effects of the drug) there is also a loss of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. Ingestion of excess water in this case may lead to critically low levels of these electrolytes in the body, leading to seizures, brain swelling, coma, and even death. Death is more often due to dehydration and hyperthermia than to low sodium or brain swelling. Therefore those who choose to use the drug should drink plenty of water, especially if high-energy activity accompanies the event such as dancing and sex, but should avoid excessive water consumption. je XTC neemt, is het voldoende om ieder half uur een glas te drinken. In tegenstelling tot wat veel mensen denken, is het niet goed om liters te drinken als je XTC neemt (en daarbij danst en in een warme/vochtige omgeving bent). Teveel drinken kan riskant zijn en tot een opeenhoping van water in de hersenen leiden.
Als je XTC neemt, zorg dan voor vocht en afkoeling. Rust af en toe eens uit. Neem af en toe iets zoets en neem wat zouts, zoals chips.
Bij de link folders vind je informatie over XTC met daarin tips voor gebruik. Het tussendoor drinken van isotone energiedranken is goed omdat dan direct je zoutgehalte ook wordt aangevuld.
Mijn conclusie is dat dit laatste stukje het echt juist heeft! Als je danst en zweet dan kan je enkel vocht verliezen en vooral ionen!!!! (in tegenstelling tot de woestijn waar men minder zweet)! Wat blijkbaar het lekker leuker maakt is dat door XTC het vocht in de hersenen ophoopt wat natuurlijk slecht is! Dus drink veel en vooral energie drankjes!
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