"Naturally occuring iron consists of four isotopes: 5.845% of radioactive 54Fe (half-life: >3.1E22 years), 91.754% of stable 56Fe, 2.119% of stable 57Fe and 0.282% of stable 58Fe." wikipediaIn this table iron (chemical symbol Fe) has been classified as the 26th element with an atomic weight that varies between 55,8 and 57.
Dus 54,56,57 en 58 komen in de natuur voor. Gemiddeld levert dit een atoom massa van 55.845.
'Iron' wordt ook genoemd in de verzen: 17-50, 18-96, 22-21, 34-10.Islam schreef:We sent down Iron "
Surah Al-Hadid Surah 57 Ayah 25 "
If this compared with the positioning of the verse above and the number of the Surah, it is obvious that there is a special match between the number of the Surah and the atomic weight of iron as well as the number of the Ayah that iron is mentioned in and the number of the element iron. And because the first verse of every Surah is "bismillah hirrahmaan nirraheem", "in the name of Allah most gracious, most merciful" and is not counted as an independent verse, it can be added. The word iron is then in verse 26 of the Surah 57.
25 is niet gelijk aan atoom nummer van ijzer 26, maar met een magische (verzonnen) regel wordt 25 toch 26.
En wat moet het nu zijn 54, 56, 57 of 58 ?
Zo is er wel erg veel keuze, en wat te denken van alle andere elementen in de periodieke tabel, waar staan die in Koran?
Inmiddels zijn er 116 elementen.The picture above shows: THE PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS, The latest element discovered by scientists in 1999 is a radioactive element which exists for tiny fractions of seconds and has the atomic weight of 114, exactly the total number of Surahs in the Quran. It is unlikely that any new element will be discovered, because the search has been going on for decades and the methods have not improved or changed for a long time. In this respect, the structure of the Quran is a reflection of the elementary creation of the universe. The book of nature and the book of revelation harmonise as they have the same origin, the Almighty Creator.