Determine the density (2.2.5) of the solution to be examined. Dilute 4.00 g to 100.0 ml with water R. Transfer 25.0 ml of the solution to a separating funnel, add 25 ml of methylene chloride R, 10 ml of 0.1 M NaOH and 10.0 ml of a freshly prepared 50 g/L solution of potassium iodide R. Shake well, allow to separate and discard the methylene chloride layer. Shake the aqueous layer with 3 quantities, each of 10 ml, of methylene chloride R and discard the methylene chloride layers. To the aqueous layer add 40 ml of HCl R, allow to cool and titrate with 0.05 M potassium iodate until the deep-brown colour is almost discharged. Add 5 ml of methylene chloride R and continue the titration, shaking vigorously, until the methylene chloride layer no longer changes colour. Carry out a blank titration on a mixture of 10.0 ml of the freshly prepared 50 g/L solution of potassium iodide R, 20 ml of water R and 40 ml of HCl R.
1 ml of 0.05 M potassium iodate is equivalent to x/10 mg of benzalkonium chloride where x is the average relative molecular mass of the sample.
Waarom is dichtheid nodig voor deze gehaltebepaling ?