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Het is toch niet niks. Als je ziet hoe veel terroristische daden deze overheidsdienst heeft gepleegd dan vraag ik me af waarom we hen hun gang laten gaan.Successful operations
The deliverance of the Secret Speech of Nikita Khrushchev into the hands of the CIA in 1956 (commonly misattributed to the Mossad, but actually a Shin Bet success).
The finding and capture of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann. In 1960, the Mossad discovered that Eichmann was in Argentina and through surveillance, they confirmed that he had been living there under the name of Ricardo Klement. He was captured by a team of Mossad agents on May 11, 1960, and subsequently smuggled to Israel. A second plan to capture Josef Mengele was aborted.
The procurement of French Mirage III plans, which led to the development of the Kfir in the 1960s.
Directed missions for Israeli spy Wolfgang Lotz in Egypt 1957-1965.
Directed missions for Israeli spy Eli Cohen in 1964, who provided vast amounts of valuable intelligence. Eli Cohen was, however, caught in 1965 by the KGB in Syria while it was monitoring radio frequencies.
Assistance in the defection and rescuing the family of Munir Redfa, an Iraqi pilot who defected and flew his MiG 21 to Israel in 1966.
Provision of key intelligence on the Egyptian Air Force for Operation Focus, the opening airstrike of the Six-Day War.
The removal of five missile boats from the French shipyard of Cherbourg which were paid for by the Israeli government but were not delivered due to the French arms embargo in 1969.
Operation Bulmus 6 - Intelligence assistance in the Commando Assault on Green Island, Egypt during the War of Attrition.
The assassination of members of Black September, which was responsible for the Munich massacre at the 1972 Olympic Games, called "Operation Wrath of God".
The provision of intelligence and operational assistance in 1973's Operation Spring of Youth.
The provision of intelligence regarding Entebbe International Airport and grant of refueling rights in Kenya for Operation Entebbe in 1976.
The assassination of PFLP and PFLP-EO leader Wadie Haddad in 1978.
The assassination of As-Sa'iqa leader Zuhayr Muhsin in 1979.
Operation Sphinx [3] - Between 1978 and 1981, obtained highly sensitive information about Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor by recruiting an Iraqi nuclear scientist in France. On April 5, 1979, the Mossad destroyed 60 percent of the Iraqi reactor components being built in France; "[An] environmental organization named Groupe des écologistes français, unheard of before this incident, claimed credit for the blast."[3] With the help of a French recruit, Damien Chaussepied (a technician), who placed homing beacons on site, the reactor was subsequently destroyed by an Israeli air strike in 1981 (Chaussepied was also killed in the strike).[3][5]
Assistance in Operation Moses, the immigration of Ethiopian Jews to Israel in 1984.
The abduction of nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu in Italy in 1986 after American-Israeli agent Cheryl Bentov lured him from the United Kingdom.[6]
Tunis Raid - The assassination of Abu Jihad from the Fatah in 1988.
Assisted in air and overland evacuations of the Jews from war-torn Sarajevo to Israel in 1992.
The assassination of Fathi Shqaqi, the head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, in 1995.
The assassination of Hamas leader Izz El-Deen Sheikh Khalil in Damascus in 2004.
The sending of letter bombs to assassination targets, such as during the Wrath of God campaign. Some of these attacks were not fatal, although their purpose might not have been to kill the receiver. Some of the more famous examples of the Mossad letter bombs were those sent to Nazi war-criminal Alois Brunner[7] and PFLP member Bassam Abu Sharif.[8]
[edit] Alleged but unconfirmed operations
The alleged assassination of Canadian scientist Gerald Bull, developer of the Iraqi supergun, in 1990. The most common theory is that the Mossad was responsible, and its representatives have all but claimed responsibility for his murder. Others, including Bull's son, believe that the Mossad is taking credit for an act they did not commit to scare off others who may try to help enemy regimes. The alternative theory is that Bull was killed by the CIA. Iraq and Iran are also candidates for suspicion.[9]
It was alleged by private intelligence agency Stratfor, based on "sources close to Israeli intelligence", that Dr. Ardeshir Hosseinpour, a scientist involved in the Iranian nuclear program, was assassinated by the Mossad on January 15, 2007.
Ze vermoorden mensen op buitenlands grondgebied, ze hebben de bouwplannen van de Mirage (de Franse inferieure versie van de F-16) gestolen, ze hebben een buitenlandse nucleaire technicus ontvoerd (zie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mordechai_Vanunu, een enorm groot schandaal. Waarom ze hem ontvoerd hebben is voor mij onduidelijk) en nog veel meer.
Moeten wij dit alles zomaar aanvaarden? Waarom zijn de internationale politici zo terughoudend om Israël hiervoor te veroordelen? Immers, als Nederland zoiets zou doen dan zouden we weinig vrienden overhouden. Is het niet mogelijk om de Mossad voor dit soort misdaden aan te klagen bij het internationaal strafhof?
Ik ben me er bewust van dat dit voor sommigen een politiek geladen onderwerp is. Ik hoop dat we op basis van feiten kunnen discussiëren.