uit het hierbovenstaande artikel:
Which X chromosome is inactivated is random and most females have approximately equal numbers of cells with each X chromosome inactivated. However, some individuals have a much greater proportion of their cells with a given X chromosome inactivated.
Begrijp ik het nou verkeerd of bedoelen ze dat het dus niet zo is dat in een vrouw altijd dezelfde x uitstaat in elke cel, maar dat de ene cel de ene x gehetrochromatineerd heeft, en de andere cel de andere? Dat zou het ook verklaren met de x-gebonden afwijkingen, maar dat heb ik eigenlijk nooit geweten dat dat zo was!
.........gaat verder op onderzoek uit..........
Ja dus!
The expression of X-linked genes in females heterozygous for X-linked defects can be modulated by epigenetic control mechanisms that constitute the X chromosome inactivation pathway. At least four different effects have been found to influence, in females, the phenotypic expression of genes responsible for X-linked mental retardation (XLMR). First, non-random X inactivation, due either to stochastic or genetic factors, can result in tissues in which one cell type (for example, that in which the X chromosome carrying a mutant XLMR gene is active) dominates, instead of the normal mosaic cell population expected as a result of random X inactivation. Second, skewed inactivation of the normal X in individuals carrying a deletion of part of the X chromosome has been documented in a number of mentally retarded females. Third, functional disomy of X-linked genes that are expressed inappropriately due to the absence of X inactivation has been found in mentally retarded females with structurally abnormal X chromosomes that do not contain the X inactivation center. And fourth, dose-dependent overexpression of X-linked genes that normally escape X inactivation may account for the mental and developmental delay associated with increasing numbers of otherwise inactive X chromosomes in individuals with X chromosome aneuploidy.
bron:X chromosome inactivation and X-linked mental retardation
Huntington F. Willard *
X chromosome inactivation (XCI) is the process by which the dosage imbalance of X-linked genes between XX females and XY males is functionally equalized. XCI modulates the phenotype of females carrying mutations in X-linked genes, as observed in X-linked dominant male-lethal disorders. The remarkable degree of heterogeneity in the XCI pattern among female individuals, as revealed by the recently reported XCI profile of the human X chromosome, could account for the phenotypic variability observed in these diseases.
bron:X-inactivation and human disease: X-linked dominant male-lethal disorders
Brunella Franco and Andrea Ballabio
conclusietje: wat ik in de post hierboven filosofeerde bleek dus fout te zijn, hoewel waar blijft wat daarboven staat, niet alles is even inactief en heterochromatine betekend niet perse "uit". Maar de manier waarop de defecten worden opgevangen is dus dat in verschillende cellen verschillende Xen actief zijn!
zo, weer wat geleerd vandaag.