In een oude New Scientist las ik het volgende
Heating disorder
Question: I use hot water only in the morning and after work. Is it more economical to leave my gas water boiler on constantly or to set it to come on twice a day?
Answer: These sorts of questions were often asked by members of the public who were concerned about their heating bills and overuse of scarce resources during the energy crisis of the early 1970s.
The answer that was most often given on television and in the newspapers was to leave the heating on, because it takes more energy to heat up the water again and again than it does to keep the system running. This is, of course, a fallacy .
Apart from the heat which is required to warm any additional water after some of it has been drawn off via hot water taps, the heat supplied to a boiler replaces heat losses to its surroundings.
Newton showed 300 years ago that the rate of heat loss from a system is proportional to the temperature difference between it and its surroundings.
If no heat is applied, as the system cools down, the rate of loss decreases until, as the temperature reaches that of the surroundings, there are no further heat losses. When the heat source is subsequently turned on again, the heat supplied simply replaces those losses.
For a heater which is kept on constantly, the temperature and the rate of heat loss remain high. The heater is continually replacing these higher heat losses.
If a boiler has perfect insulation there will be no heat loss, and it makes no difference whether its heater is left on constantly or not. With less-than-perfect insulation, which is obviously the norm, it would be more economical to set the timer so that the boiler comes on twice a day.
P. Smith
Long Ashton, Somerset
Mijn vraag is nu: Als ik niet tweemaal daags maar bv 20 keer op een dag warm water nodig heb, is het dan ook efficiënter om de boiler af te zetten?
maw: Is er ergens een punt in tijd waar opwarmen minder efficiënt is dan warm houden in een niet perfect geïsoleerd systeem?