een tijd geleden las ik het boek 'Waarom draait de wereld door' van Ben Gililand (Engelse titel: "how to build a universe").
Aan het eind van het boek heeft hij het over de grootte van zichtbare universum, en daar had ik een vraag bij. Heb ze aan hem gesteld via fb maar hij antwoordde niet en wil niet te veel aandringen. Maar misschien heeft iemand hier wel een antwoord op mijn vraag ?
I am reading your book 'how to build a universe' and I have a question. Near the end of the book, where you explain the size of the visible universe, you mention that the light of an object at the rim of the visible universe takes 13,8 billion lightyears to reach us and hence the universe would be a sphere with a radius of 13,8 bilion lightyears. Later you explain that because this object travels away from us, the 'pumped up' size is 48 billion lightyears. So it seems that in the time it took the light to travel 13,8 billion lightyears to reach us, the object travelled a distance of 34,2 billion lightyears (delta between 48 and 13,8 billion lightyears). So, did that object travel faster than light then ? Or is this due to the deformation of the timespace and Einsteins relativitiy theory that to us on earth the object 'seems' to travel faster than light ?
And further to that. If everything started from a big bang, how is it in fact possible that there would be a distance of 13,8 billion lightyears between us and the object ? It seems as if it must be so that we got propelled while the light emitting object stood still at the point where the big bang happened. Difficult to grasp and mind boggling. Great book btw. Would be nice if you could find some time to enlighten me. Thx.